free weight loss programs:
You have decided to slim down, lose body weight and keep it off. This is possible in many ways but for permanent success, certain prerequisites need to be accounted for.
The chosen diet method should…
1. Contain all necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins in ample and well-balanced amounts.
2. Enable a long-term change of eating habits to a healthy fat diet (low in saturated fats and trans fats).
3. Focus on carbohydrate quality (such as including carbohydrates with a low glycemic index).
4. Ensure that muscle mass is retained and, in conjunction with exercise, help build additional muscle.
The goal of a healthy diet is to reduce body fat. Muscle mass should be retained or in-creased.
The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns. Remember:
Muscle burns calories fat burns nothing. Therefore, it is important to lose fat and not muscle mass.
You should add physical activity to your weight loss program to build up additional muscle mass and maintain your weight loss.
Once you understand these principles, you have taken an important step on your way to a healthy weight.
With most so-called “miracle” diets, weight reduction often results in loss of water and muscle mass rather than fat loss.
The road we want to walk with you fulfills all the requirements for a healthy diet and takes the latest scientific discoveries of obesity research into consideration in order to help you lose weight quickly, permanently and in a healthy manner!
A balance problem:
Being overweight is really a balance problem. Those who consume more calories than they utilize will gain weight. Because energy consumption is different with all people, not everybody gains or loses weight with the same food intake. The basis for weight gain has been established through years of unhealthy eating and drinking habits.
Frequent diets are most certainly not the right way to lose weight, since they slow down the metabolism. A drastic shortage of calorie consumption forces the body into believing that it faces famine. As a result, it conserves energy. After finishing the weight loss diet, the meta bolism re-mains low while calorie intake increases again, and even with “regular” food people
often gain weight faster than before. This is the notorious yo-yo effect.
Related Posts : Eating healthy for weight loss
You have decided to slim down, lose body weight and keep it off. This is possible in many ways but for permanent success, certain prerequisites need to be accounted for.
The chosen diet method should…
1. Contain all necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins in ample and well-balanced amounts.
2. Enable a long-term change of eating habits to a healthy fat diet (low in saturated fats and trans fats).
3. Focus on carbohydrate quality (such as including carbohydrates with a low glycemic index).
4. Ensure that muscle mass is retained and, in conjunction with exercise, help build additional muscle.
The goal of a healthy diet is to reduce body fat. Muscle mass should be retained or in-creased.
The more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns. Remember:
Muscle burns calories fat burns nothing. Therefore, it is important to lose fat and not muscle mass.
You should add physical activity to your weight loss program to build up additional muscle mass and maintain your weight loss.
Once you understand these principles, you have taken an important step on your way to a healthy weight.
With most so-called “miracle” diets, weight reduction often results in loss of water and muscle mass rather than fat loss.
The road we want to walk with you fulfills all the requirements for a healthy diet and takes the latest scientific discoveries of obesity research into consideration in order to help you lose weight quickly, permanently and in a healthy manner!
A balance problem:
Being overweight is really a balance problem. Those who consume more calories than they utilize will gain weight. Because energy consumption is different with all people, not everybody gains or loses weight with the same food intake. The basis for weight gain has been established through years of unhealthy eating and drinking habits.
Frequent diets are most certainly not the right way to lose weight, since they slow down the metabolism. A drastic shortage of calorie consumption forces the body into believing that it faces famine. As a result, it conserves energy. After finishing the weight loss diet, the meta bolism re-mains low while calorie intake increases again, and even with “regular” food people
often gain weight faster than before. This is the notorious yo-yo effect.
Related Posts : Eating healthy for weight loss