
eating healthy for weight loss

eating healthy for weight loss:
Nutrition can be very confusing and daunting at times, especially when you turn
on the television or look on the internet. There are several conflicting opinions,
new fad diets and “magical weight loss techniques” out there.  Nutrition is a
science that is complex and ever?changing. Everybody is different and what
works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. To be healthy
and to promote a healthy weight, a diet should be lower in fat, moderate in
protein and carbohydrate, and high in fibre. It should also satisfy you without
relying on huge portions or high fat, high calorie snack foods.

start:eating healthy for weight loss.

Start the day off right- ALWAYS eat breakfast! Breakfast is by far the
most important meal of the day. Think of your body as a car. Cars need
fuel to run and function properly so does your body! If you skip breakfast,
you will most likely feel fatigued and lack energy all day, you will likely
burn fewer calories during the day, and you will probably end up eating
more later in the day. Kick start your metabolism with a healthy balanced
breakfast within an hour of waking up. Try to include a whole grain, a fruit
or vegetable and a source of protein. If you are not used to having
breakfast at all, start with something small like a piece of fruit or a glass of

Say Goodbye to Fad Diets- say hello to a lifelong change: Say
goodbye to quick fix diets and dieting altogether. Instead think permanent,
realistic lifelong changes in your eating habits. A diet is a short term
process often accompanied by feelings of deprivation and hunger and
often setting you up for failure and further weight gain. People who go on
"diets" often end up thinking about food all the time and bingeing.  Don’t
forget weight loss and weight maintenance is one and the same; to keep
those unwanted pounds off you must make permanent changes to your
diet and lifestyle.

Don’t plan to change everything all at once- set realistic goals:
People often start with a bang but soon lose momentum a few weeks
later. Set a steady realistic weight loss goal of 1 2 pounds a week. Make
one change to your diet each week. Small changes add up and can have
a big impact. Some examples are: 
a.  Drinking 1% instead of 2% milk. 
b.  Trimming skin from chicken and excess fat from meat. 
c.  Having fruit for dessert instead of cake or cookies. 
d.  Substituting after dinner snacks with a mug of tea, steamed milk or
light hot chocolate – it takes longer to drink a hot beverage than it
does to eat a handful of cookies, and it fills your stomach better. 

Eat more soluble fibre: This fibre forms a gel in your stomach and makes
you feel fuller. Foods such as oatmeal, barley, beans, lentils, apples and
ground flaxseed are good choices.  All Bran Buds and Fibre One Cereal
contain a soluble fibre called Psyllium Fibre. When you increase the fibre
in your diet, do it gradually and make sure to also increase your water

Drink plenty of water throughout the day: Not only does fluid keep you
well hydrated, it also fills your stomach, leaving you less likely to
overindulge. As you start exercising more, make sure to add water to
replace water lost through sweat.

this is the 5 tips and tomorrow i will write the other 5 tips
I hope to you enjoy and you benefit with this article: eating healthy for weight loss
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